Student Name* Date of Birth * Gender * MaleFemale Admission into (Grade) * —Please choose an option—PLAY HOUSENURSERYJR.KGSR.KG1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th Academic Year * 2020-20212021-2022 School Currently Studying* Contact Details Father's Name* Mother's Name* Contact No.* E-mail Correspondence Address * Declaration I / We hereby certify that all the information provided by me/us is correct and I / we understand that if the information is found to be incorrect or false. My / our ward shall be automatically debarred from the selection / admission process without any correspondence in this regard. I / we also understand that the application / registration does not guarantee admission to my ward. Admission is solely based on the availability of seats & on qualifying the entrance test. I / we accept the process of admission undertaken by the school and I / we will abide by the decision taken by the school authorities. I Agree